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Cryptosources need to be redeemable towards their issuer for the sources that are powering it or a substitute like the alien liquidity that they have collected.

This is significant to secure that an Issuers applies a Quality standard. In turn, it will also give the potential customers that want to put their trust into certain crypto sources, a certain overview and Quality standard that they can expect.

Redeemability should be an exchange between the underlying Cryptosources, and the property rights over a Source that are equal in value with it. The C-pro Redeemability is mass realized through an automated online exchange of fixed alien liquidity for the Cryptosources that are being returned to their Issuer. We use as IAZO as our exchange of Choice to manage that mass redeemability.





这对确保发行人应用质量标准具有重要意义。 反过来,它也会让潜在客户想要将他们的信任放入特定的加密源,他们可以期待的特定概述和质量标准。


可兑换性应该是基础Cryptosources与源之间的价值与其相等的产权之间的交换。 C-pro可兑换性是通过自动在线交换Cryptosources的固定外来流动性而实现的,这些流动性正在退还给其发行人。 我们使用IAZO作为我们交换选择来管理大规模可赎回性。


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